This is the procedure for setting approvers and executors in a workflow.

Who should carry out this procedure:

Users who have been granted administrative privileges (owner or admin) on the team

Workflow Process

Setup steps: 

1) In the left panel, click the team for which you want to set up a process. 

2) On the Team screen, select the "Process" tab and click the Action button

3) After clicking the action button, click "Settings" in the popup that appears.

4) Set the various items and click the "Save" button.

Explanation of various settings

Setting items
1) Process Name
The name of the process. Currently, only one process can be set per team, but in the future, it will be possible to set multiple processes per team. By setting a name according to its purpose, it will be easier to understand the purpose of the process.
2) Check "Exclude applicant"
If this box is checked, the applicant will not be able to approve or execute the request themselves. If the approver or executer applies for the request themselves, they will not be able to approve or execute the request themselves.
3) Step name (Approval step)
This is the name of the approval step. The step name will be displayed on the application screen. [Example] By naming the step, such as "Accounting department approval", "Department head approval", "Executive approval", etc., you can make the purpose of the approval easier to understand.
4)  recognizer
This is the user who approves the application. Multiple approvers can be set. Approval is complete when any one of the approved approvers approves the application.
5) Step name (execution step)
The name of the execution step. The step name will be displayed on the application screen.
6) Executor
This is the user who signs the approved application in N Wallet. The execution will be completed if any one of the specified executors execu